Scrape (politely) a web page's HTML and extract the attributes from each image element (<img>) on that page.

alt_get(webpage, all_attributes = FALSE)



A character string describing the URL of a webpage. Must be a full path including https://www. where appropriate.


Logical. Do you want to return all the image attributes as columns or just src, alt and longdesc (if it exists)?


A tibble object with classes tbl_df, tbl and data.frame. One row per image element and one column per attribute, unless (all_attributes = FALSE), which returns only:

  • src The source of the image as a filepath.

  • alt The alternative (alt) text for the image.

  • longdesc The path to a file that contains a longer description for complex images (only returned if present).


if (FALSE) { test_url <- "" alt_get(webpage = test_url) }