
Geolocated IP addresses


Make selections


You can select multiple groups, devices and countries.

How to

  • Filter the data (options above) and the map and table will auto-update
  • You can also select points using the movable/resizeable selection tool (click the broken rectangle button in the upper left of the map)
  • You can also click rows of the datatable to highlight those points
  • Zoom with the + and - buttons on the map (upper left), or with your mouse wheel
  • Click markers to get information about that point


  • Mapping (leaflet) geolocation (freegeoip) of artificially-generated IP addresses (generator) with arbitrarily-assigned colours and icons (ionicons)
  • Wrapping this into a user-friendly interface (flexdashboard) and including a table (DT)
  • Allowing data selections to impact across both the map and table (crosstalk)

Note that none of these data are real. They’ve been randomly generated.


title: "Crosstalk test with fake IP address data"
author: "Matt Dray"
    theme: paper
    social: menu
    source_code: embed
    favicon: img/map.png

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# packages


# data


fake_ip_geo <- readRDS("data/fake_ip_geo.RDS") %>% 
  select(-country_code, -region_code, -time_zone, -metro_code) %>% 
    group = sample(  # randomly allocate to one of three groups
      c("Group A", "Group B", "Group C"),
      size = 500,
      replace = TRUE
    device = sample(  # randomly allocate to one of three groups
      c("Phone", "Laptop", "Desktop"),
      size = 500,
      replace = TRUE
    latitude = as.numeric(as.character(latitude)),  # must be numeric
    longitude = as.numeric(as.character(longitude))
  ) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(longitude, latitude) %>% 
  dplyr::slice(1) %>%  # just get one example of each latlong pair

# make factors character for use in popups

fake_ip_geo_nofactor <- fake_ip_geo %>% 
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)

# shared data object

sd <- SharedData$new(fake_ip_geo)

Column {data-width=600}
### Geolocated IP addresses
```{r map}

leaflet::leaflet(sd) %>%
  leaflet::addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>% 
    popup = ~paste0(
    "IP: ", fake_ip_geo$ip, "",
", "
Group: ", fake_ip_geo_nofactor$group, "
Device: ", fake_ip_geo_nofactor$device, "
", "
Country: ", ifelse(fake_ip_geo_nofactor$country_name == "", "unknown", fake_ip_geo_nofactor$country_name), "
Region: ", ifelse(fake_ip_geo_nofactor$region_name == "", "unknown", fake_ip_geo_nofactor$region_name), "
City: ", ifelse(fake_ip_geo_nofactor$city == "", "unknown", fake_ip_geo_nofactor$city) ), icon = awesomeIcons( library = "ion", icon = ifelse( test = fake_ip_geo_nofactor$device == "Phone", yes = "ion-android-phone-portrait", no = ifelse( test = fake_ip_geo_nofactor$device == "Laptop", yes = "ion-android-laptop", no = "ion-android-desktop" ) ), iconColor = "white", markerColor = ifelse( test = fake_ip_geo_nofactor$group == "Group A", yes = "lightred", no = ifelse( test = fake_ip_geo_nofactor$group == "Group B", yes = "red", no = "darkred" ) ) ) ) ``` Column {data-width=400} ------------------------------------- ### Make selections #### Filters You can select multiple groups, devices and countries. ```{r filters} crosstalk::bscols( #list( filter_checkbox( id = "group", label = "Groups", sharedData = sd, group = ~group, inline = FALSE ), filter_checkbox( id = "device", label = "Devices", sharedData = sd, group = ~device, inline = FALSE ), filter_select( id = "country_name", label = "Countries", sharedData = sd, group = ~country_name) #) ) ``` #### How to * Filter the data (options above) and the map and table will auto-update * You can also select points using the movable/resizeable selection tool (click the broken rectangle button in the upper left of the map) * You can also click rows of the datatable to highlight those points * Zoom with the + and - buttons on the map (upper left), or with your mouse wheel * Click markers to get information about that point #### Purpose * Mapping ([leaflet]( geolocation ([freegeoip]( of artificially-generated IP addresses ([generator]( with arbitrarily-assigned colours and icons ([ionicons]( * Wrapping this into a user-friendly interface ([flexdashboard]( and including a table ([DT]( * Allowing data selections to impact across both the map and table ([crosstalk]( *Note that none of these data are real. They've been randomly generated.* ### Datatable ```{r} datatable( sd, filter = "top", extensions = "Scroller", rownames = FALSE, style = "bootstrap", class = "compact", width = "100%", options = list(deferRender = TRUE, scrollY = 300, scroller = TRUE)) ```