Finds one of the possible shortest paths between two named
authors from CRAN. This is possible by searching the tidygraph object of
all CRAN's package-author relationships created with
. Outputs a tidygraph object that's a
subset of the full CRAN tidygraph. This output contains only the named
authors and the authors and packages that link them together.
kb_pair(tidy_graph, name_a, name_b = "Hadley Wickham")
tidy_graph | A tidygraph object of CRAN authors/packages created with
name_a | A character string of a CRAN author's name (one of two) |
name_b | A character string of a CRAN author's name (two of two) |
A tidygraph object with classes 'tbl_graph' and 'igraph'.
# NOT RUN { pair_graph <- kb_pair(cran_graph, "Garrett Grolemund", "Yihui Xie") print(pair_graph) # }