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Procedurally generate a tile-based ASCII-character dungeon map. Creates a tile-based map of user-specified size; places randomly a user-specified number of rooms; connects them with a continuous corridor; and iteratively expands the interior space by sampling from adjacent tiles. Note: much of this function has been absorbed into the start_game function, but generate_dungeon will continue to be exported for now.


  iterations = 5,
  n_row = 30,
  n_col = 50,
  n_rooms = 5,
  is_snake = FALSE,
  is_organic = TRUE,
  seed = NULL,
  colour = TRUE



Numeric. How many times to 'grow' iteratively the dungeon rooms, where tiles adjacent to current floor tiles (.) have a random chance of becoming floor tiles themselves with each iteration.


Numeric. Number of row tiles in the dungeon, i.e. its height.


Numeric. Number of column tiles in the dungeon, i.e. its width.


Numeric. Number of rooms to place randomly on the map as starting points for iterative growth.


Logical. Should the room start points be connected randomly (FALSE, the default) or from left to right across the room matrix (TRUE)? See details.


Logical. Join the room start points with corridors before iterative growth steps (TRUE, the default), or after (FALSE)? See details.


Numeric. Seed to reproduce a dungeon.


Logical. Should the characters be coloured using crayon (TRUE, the default)?


A matrix, invisibly. Output via cat to the console.


  • You'll have to experiment to find the 'best' argument values for your needs. Typically, a larger dungeon should have a higher n_rooms value and can be grown through more iterations. Use is_snake and is_organic to play with dungeon appearance and connectedness.

  • For argument is_snake, TRUE will create a single continuous, winding cavern from left to right, while FALSE will create a more maze-like cavern.

  • For argument is_organic, TRUE will generally create what looks like a natural cavern, since the room start points and corridors are subject to iterative growth. When FALSE and is_snake is FALSE, the dungeon's caverns are more square, or more 'artificial' looking. When FALSE and is_snake is TRUE, the result is more likely to be a series of discrete roundish rooms connected by a narrow (one tile-width) corridor.


if (FALSE) {

# A 'natural' cavern with default arguments
generate_dungeon(seed = 23456)

# Rooms connected sequentially by narrow corridors
  iterations = 8,      # iterate room growth 8 times
  n_rooms = 4,         # randomly place 4 room tiles to start
  is_snake = TRUE,     # connect rooms from left- to right-most
  is_organic = FALSE,  # add single tile-width corridors after growth
  seed = 2