class: center, middle, inverse # 🔄 Reproducibility in R: three things DfE Data Science Week, 2020-01-22
[]( ??? * What reproducibility is, why you need it, some practical things you can do * Focus is on R, but transferable * You might be doing a bunch of this stuff already * But hopefully you'll hear about something new --- class: middle tl;dr 😴 * make your work reproducible * unless you hate everyone * especially yourself ??? * Reproducibility benefits anyone who wants to use your code or recreate work that's been done * If you don't care about anyone else: it will still benefit you, specifically * Let's say you're returning to some work after a period away, or a new publication is due --- class: inverse, middle, center # 'Reproducible' ??? * We should probably define 'reproducible' * Turns out there's more than one definition --- class: middle, center ![](img/turing-way-reproducibility.jpg) From [The Turing Way]( by The Alan Turing Institute ??? * I think we care about reproducing outputs we've aready created (to prove that we can reliably recreate the outcome) and updating with fresh data (like the next quarter's data) * But I'm going to refer to 'reproducible' throughout --- class: middle Can I recreate what you did: * from scratch? -- * on a different machine? -- * in the future? -- * without you present? ??? * A simpler way of thinking about it might be to answer these questions * We should know all the preparatory steps * Maybe I don't have the same packages, maybe I'm using another OS * Dependency changes break things * What if you leave the department? --- class: center, middle <img src='img/trex-my-machine.gif' width=100%> You want to avoid saying this ??? * You should be confident that it can run _where_ it needs to run, _when_ it needs to run --- class: middle Reproducibility can help: * reduce errors -- * improve trust -- * help you share -- * speed up work ??? * You know it can be re-run to give the same results * Others can see the steps taken and can recreate it themselves * Everything you need in one folder/repo; all instructions in the box * You're not building over old work and obfuscating and complicating things --- class: middle, center <img src='img/rap_v4_hex.png' width='50%'> [Reproducible Analytical Pipelines]( (RAP) ??? * There's a grassroots movement to enact all this stuff in government already * Visit the website (link in slide) * Join #rap-collaboration on * DfE are already active: speak to Cameron R or Laura S --- class: middle, inverse # Three things ??? * I promised three things * I hope everyone learns something new, even if small * The things are roughly in order of how you might progress on your reproducibility journey --- class: middle 1. Centralise everything 1. Report with code 1. Manage workflows ??? * These are very broad -- what do they mean? * Let's go through one by one * I'll be focusing on R, but I think the points are transferable and Python analogues are available --- class: inverse, middle # 0\. Code everything Haha, suckers, I zero-indexed my list! ??? * Before you do anything, switch to code from point-and-click * I'll be picking on Excel a little bit * Excel isn't _always_ bad * It's just easier to be reproducible with code --- class: middle, center <img src='img/slack-q.png' width=100%> <img src='img/slack-a.png' width=100%> ??? * We want to move away from workflows where we have lots of workbooks with multiple sheets * Move away from pointing and clicking * Move away from forgetting to drag formulae across the right cells * Move toward coded analysis to provide a recipe for the workflow * Move toward better documentation --- class: middle, center <img src='img/blueball.gif' width=100%> Scene from an Excel-based workflow ??? * Question everything; baulk at phrases like 'this is how we did it last year' * Excel workflows might start simple, but can get clogged up very easily * They don't encourage documentation * They're 'data up front, code in the background', but we want the opposite --- class: middle Some resources: * [Spreadsheet horror stories]( by EuSpRiG * [Excel vs R: a brief intro]( by Jesse Sadler * [Arguments on switching from Excel to R]( from the RStudio Community ??? * EuSpRiG: European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group --- class: inverse, middle # 1. Centralise everything ??? * 'Centralise' your code, data, documentation, etc * As in put the code and any other needed files in one place * Consider generalising and sharing functions --- class: middle 🗂 Use [R Projects]( to: * put code, data and docs in one place * so everything you need is together * to make your analysis shareable ??? * Code your workflow with comments and documentation * Use a project-oriented workflow * You can easily pass the Project folder as a single unit * Filepaths are relative to the the project, not your machine --- class: middle, center <img src='img/rstudio-project.png' width=80%> These slides are in an R Project ??? * All the files are need are in one place * All file paths are relative * I can recreate this from scratch at any time * Others can download it and recreate it or build on it * From RStudio: File > New project * Doesn't have to be RStudio; just need to have everything you need in one place --- class: middle 📦 Write packages to: * avoid repeating yourself * generalise and centralise your functions * share your work Get started with: * the [{usethis} workflow]( by Emil Hvitfeldt * the [R Packages book]( by Hadley Wickham ??? * Write, test and debug your frequently-used functions just once * The whole organisation and beyond can use the same functions * Put this under version control so you can always refer to older versions of your package --- class: middle Two quick RStudio tips: * [Don't save and restore the Project workspace]( <img src='img/rstudio-workspace.png' width=70%> * Do restart all the time (Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+F10) ??? * Always be running your Project as though you're running it from scratch * Each time you startup, start afresh * Always be restarting RStudio to clear all objects * That'll prevent you relying on objects that exist in your workspace that you may have made on the fly --- class: inverse, middle # 2. Report with code ??? * So you've written analytical code to read and manipulate data * But you're still copy-pasting into documents * This could go wrong: What if you meant to copy value x into three different places, but you missed one? * What if the data changes? Do you need to re-run everything from scratch and begin copy-pasting again? --- class: middle ⬇️ Use [R Markdown]( to: * put code in your reports * update outputs instantly when code changes * complete the reproducible data-to-output workflow ??? * From code chunks or inline * New data? No problem. Re-run the code and the correct outputs are generated. --- class: middle, center <img src='img/example-rmd.jpg' width=100%> ??? * Quick overview of an RStudio window * Left: an R Markdown script (.Rmd) * Right: viewer output after rendering the .Rmd ('knitting') * Code gets turned into output --- class: middle Declare a variable ```r yr <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y") ``` Use it in R Markdown ```r > The year is `r yr`. ``` Rendered output > The year is 2020. ??? * You can write whole 'chunks' of code and also render them inline * Here's how an inline render might look --- class: middle Use R Markdown for lots of output types: * [{xaringan}]( for slides * [{bookdown}]( for books * [{blogdown}]( for blogs * [{flexdashboard}]( for dashboards * [{pagedown}]( for paged HTML documents * [{thesisdown}]( for theses * [{govdown}]( for websites with GOV.UK design Check out the [R Markdown book]( ??? * {govdown} created by our very own Duncan G at GDS --- class: inverse, middle # 3. Manage workflows ??? * You've got reproducible steps from ingestion to outputs, but this may involve lots of files, functions and objects * You need to manage the workflow itself, i.e. the dependencies between all the files, functions and objects * This might be something you haven't thought of before * You might be familiar with Make * This is an R-specific implementation of that approach --- class: middle 🦆 {drake} by [Will Landau]( * makes your analysis pipeline reproducible * remembers your workflow for you * re-runs only what needs to be re-run Learn more: * on the [website]( * in the [user manual]( * from this [recorded rOpenSci call]( ??? * You can't remember all the parts of your large analysis and how they fit together * Do you have to re-run everything from scratch if you change something about the analysis? * {drake} is a brain that remembers all the relationships and the order in which things need to be run * It only re-runs what needs to be re-run, saving you time and brainpower --- class: middle .pull-left[<img src='img/drake-tweet.jpeg' height=450>] A complicated workflow by [Frederik Aust]( Each point is an object, function or data set Can you remember all of this? ??? * Here's a complicated workflow with lots of inputs * Many objects (circles) and functions (triangles) * If something changes, {drake} re-runs only what needs updating * Saves computation and time --- class: middle {drake} example adapted from [Kirill Müller]( ```r library(drake) library(tidyverse) # Create your own functions create_plot <- function(data) { ggplot(data, aes(x = Petal.Width, fill = Species)) + geom_histogram() } # Create a workflow 'plan' *plan <- drake_plan( raw_data = readxl::read_xlsx(file_in("raw-data.xlsx")), data = raw_data %>% mutate(Species = forcats::fct_inorder(Species)), hist = create_plot(data), fit = lm(Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width + Species, data), report = rmarkdown::render( knitr_in("report.Rmd"), output_file = file_out("report.pdf"), quiet = TRUE ) ) ``` ??? * this is a very simplified example of how you set up a {drake} workflow * Load packages, create your functions if required * Wrap workflow steps in `drake_plan()` --- class: middle The plan is a dataframe of targets and commands ```r plan ## # A tibble: 5 x 2 ## target command ## <chr> <expr> ## 1 raw_data readxl::read_xlsx(file_in("raw-data.xlsx")) … ## 2 data raw_data %>% mutate(Species = forcats::fct_inorder(Sp… ## 3 hist create_plot(data) … ## 4 fit lm(Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width + Species, data) … ## 5 report rmarkdown::render(knitr_in("report.Rmd"), output_file… ``` ??? * So the steps have been recorded (in order) * We have targets (objects) and commands (functions that produce the targets) * Like a recipe * They'll be executed in order * {drake} is aware of which targets are dependent on each other --- class: middle Make the plan to generate the targets ```r make(plan) ## target raw_data ## target data ## target fit ## target hist ## target report ``` ??? * `make()` executes everything in order * It prints the targets that have been created * If you change something, it will only recreate targets that are dependent on that change * So next time you `make()`, only those targets will be recreated * Everything else is stored in a special .drake/ cache ({drake}'s 'brain' for your project) * You can access these objects with `loadd()` and `readd()` if you need them --- class: middle Update the 'data' target and {drake} will: * re-run out-of-date downstream targets (black) * leave everything upstream alone <img src='img/drake-viz.png' width=800%> ??? * Here's a {drake} visualisation to show the dependencies in the simple example * Imagine we updated the data target so everything downstream is out of date * Re-running `make()` now will regenerate everything in black --- class: inverse, middle # It doesn't end here ??? * It's impossible to cover everything adequately here * There's some great free materials out there --- class: middle Also consider: * [{renv}]( for [dependency management]( * [{here}]( for [relative file paths]( * [Git and GitHub]( for version control * [Docker]( to fully contain files/code/environment ??? * Dependency managers make sure breaking changes to packages don't affect you * users/matt/project/data/ doesn't exist on your machine; you need relative paths like project/data/ * Version control lets you roll back changes and experiment safely * Docker takes the idea of a project folder and makes it even better; it contains the package versions and operating environment (i.e. R version) you need to create everything from scratch --- class: middle Some things to look at: * [Reproducible Analytical Pipelines]( (RAP) and the #rap-collaboration channel [on Slack]( * [Putting the R into reproducible research]( by Anna Krystalli * [The Turing Way]( by The Alan Turing Institute * [R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis]( from Software Carpentry --- class: middle I've written about reproducibility-related things: * [Build an R package with {usethis}]( * [Git going: Git and GitHub]( * [Can {drake} RAP?]( * [A GitHub repo template for R analysis]( * [Knitting Club: R Markdown for beginners]( --- class: inverse, middle # Reproducibility in R: three things 1. Centralise everything 2. Report with code 3. Manage workflows